Research Article

Development and Validation of the Random Forest Model via Combining CT-PET Image Features and Demographic Data for Distant Metastases among Lung Cancer Patients

Table 1

Comparison of demographic data, 4 CT image features, and 2 PET image features among the M0 and M1 groups.

VariablesTotal (n = 134)M0 (n = 109)M1 (n = 25)Statistic

History of smoking, n (%)χ2 = 8.9850.003
 No46 (34.33)31 (28.44)15 (60.00)
 Yes88 (65.67)78 (71.56)10 (40.00)
Gender, n (%)χ2 = 0.4860.486
 Male72 (53.73)57 (52.29)15 (60.00)
 Female62 (46.27)52 (47.71)10 (40.00)
Age, mean ± SD64.56 ± 9.3964.80 ± 9.0163.49 ± 11.03t = 0.630.529
 First-order 10 percent, M (Q1, Q3)136.60 (117.00, 165.00)134.00 (117.00, 161.00)140.00 (119.00, 199.00)Z = 0.7680.442
 First-order robust mean absolute deviation, mean ± SD357.41 ± 25.63358.68 ± 24.12351.87 ± 31.35t = 1.200.233
 GLCM joint average, mean ± SD23.99 ± 2.7723.86 ± 2.6924.55 ± 3.10t = −1.130.262
 NGTDM strength, M (Q1, Q3)3.12 (2.63, 3.84)3.12 (2.60, 3.84)3.40 (2.76, 3.74)Z = 0.9420.346
 GLDM low gray-level emphasis, M (Q1, Q3)0.22 (0.08, 0.32)0.18 (0.07, 0.32)0.30 (0.23, 0.33)Z = 2.5470.011
 NGTDM strength, M (Q1, Q3)2909.75 (174.97, 12124.24)2714.84 (179.85, 9674.76)6176.46 (128.30, 14465.71)Z = 0.4630.644

Note. CT: computed tomography; PET: positron emission tomography; GLCM: gray-level co-occurrence matrix; NGTDM: neighborhood gray-tone difference matrix; GLDM: gray-level difference method.