Research Article

Surgical Challenges in Multi-Vessel Minimally Invasive Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting

Table 1

Surgical challenges and clinical incidence (n = 118).

Number(%) (n/118)

Total number of cases (n, mean ± SD)3832
Exposure problems of access
Pleural adhesion76
Pericardium adhesion12
Chest deformity12
Expansion of incision43
Proximal anastomosis
Severe calcification of aorta (LITA + RITA)12
Anastomosis bleeding and reclamping65
Conversion to adjacent intercostal space43
Unsatisfied TTFM results of LAD anastomosis
Endarterectomy or distal patch angioplasty43
Another vein-LAD graft33
Other distal anastomoses
Diffused plague and occlusion43
RCA exposure33
LITA unavailability43
Y-shaped all vein grafts43
Intolerance of single-lung ventilation33

LITA, left internal thoracic artery. RITA, right internal thoracic artery. TTFM, transit time flow measure. LAD, left anterior descending artery. RCA, right coronary artery.