Research Article

Procedure and Clinical Success of Drug-Coated Balloon Fistuloplasty of the Drainage Vein in Dysfunctional Native Arteriovenous Fistulas

Table 1

Study population and vascular access characteristics.

Number of patients, n (%)82 (100%)
Age (years)Mean age 59.05 ± 9.3 (range 27–88)
Female, n (%)32 (39.0%)
Male, n (%)50 (60.9%)
Smokers, n (%)8 (9.7%)
Peripheral arterial disease, n (%)11 (13.4%)
Coronary artery disease, n (%)8 (9.7%)
Hyperlipidaemia, n (%)14 (17.0%)
Diabetes mellitus, n (%)59 (71.9%)
Hypertension n (%)59 (71.9%)
Native AVF location, n (%)Radio-cephalic 55 (67.0%)
Brachio-cephalic 24 (29.2%)
Brachio-basalic 3 (3.6%)
Native AVF side, n (%)Left arm 66 (80.4%)
Right arm 16 (19.5%)
Pathological lesion of AVF, n (%)AVF stenosis 39 (47.5%)
AVF thrombosis 43 (52.4%)
AVF aneurysm 28 (34.1%)
Location of pathological lesion, n (%)Venous stenosis 46 (56.0%)
Juxta-anastomotic stenosis 26 (31,7%)
Anastomotic stenosis 8 (9.7%)
Central vein stenosis 1 (1.2%)
Arterial stenosis 1 (1.2%)
Age of AVF (months)37.24 ± 5.6
Goodness of fit (variance accounted for)0.8990167