Research Article

Temporal Trends and Early Outcomes of Transcatheter versus Surgical Mitral Valve Repair in Atrial Fibrillation Patients

Table 3

Early outcomes of AF patients undergoing SMVR between 2016 and 2019.

Clinical outcomes2016201720182019-trend

In-hospital outcomes
 In-hospital death0.0220.0200.0150.0170.037
 Acute kidney injury0.1570.1580.1780.1700.181
 Mechanical ventilation0.0300.0330.0230.0270.089
 Length of stay7 [5, 12]7 [5, 11]7 [5, 10]7 [5, 11]0.613
30-day readmission rate
 Heart failure0.0250.0150.0130.012<0.001

Nonnormally distributed continuous variables were expressed by medians (interquartile range (IQR)) and categorical variables were expressed as percentages.