Research Article

Minimally Invasive Approach versus Sternotomy for Bentall Procedure: A Single-Center Experience

Figure 1

The RAT-Bentall procedure. (a) The incision protection sleeve we use in RAT-Bentall surgery. (b) and (c) The pericardium was incised longitudinally on the left side, 2-3 stitches were sutured on the left and right sides to suspend the pericardium, and then an incision protection sleeve was placed to expose the aortic root and the heart. (d) The ascending aorta was blocked using Chiwood blocking forceps. (e) One suture was sutured at the valve commissure for suspension, 3 sutures in total. (f) Resection of the diseased aortic valve. (g) Anastomose the graft of the ascending aorta. (h) The aortic root was wrapped with an autologous aortic wall, and right atrial shunt was performed.