Research Article

Overexpression of PCNA Attenuates Oxidative Stress-Caused Delay of Gap-Filling during Repair of UV-Induced DNA Damage

Figure 5

The effect of Lig-1 overexpression on colcemid-caused delay of gap-filling during repair of UV-induced DNA lesions. (a) Top: western analysis of Lig-1 protein in CL1-0 cells stably transfected with expression plasmid of Lig-1 (RFP-Lig-1) or empty vector. Bottom: similar to Figure 1, yet the CL1-0 cells stably transfected with expression plasmid of Lig-1 (filled circle) or empty vector (open circle) were used. (b) Flow cytometric analysis of nucleoid size. Dose dependence. Cells were transiently transfected with various amounts of PCNA or ligase-I expression plasmids.