Research Article

Insulin Resistance and Chronic Kidney Disease in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

Table 2

Characteristics of patients with CKD.

VariablesWith CKD Without CKD

Number of patients88 (44%)112 (56%)N/A
Age (years)43,78 ± 10,5732,68 ± 11,64,001
Sex (M/F)59/2957/55,022
Duration of DM (years)20,05 ± 6,6213,2 ± 9,44,001
BMI (kg/m2)24,28 ± 3,6823,49 ± 3,73,057
AC (cm)88,88 ± 10,8388,08 ± 9,73,671
A1c (%)8,88 ± 1,718,02 ± 1,26,001
eGDR (mg⋅kg−1⋅min−1)6,42 ± 3,4415,92 ± 5,22,001
Dyslipidemia59 (67%)37 (33%),001
Hypertension61 (69,3%)34 (30,3%),001
Hyperuricemia77 (87,5%)14 (12,5%),001