Research Article
Changes in Eating Habits and Lifestyles in a Peruvian Population during Social Isolation for the COVID-19 Pandemic
Table 3
Changes in consumption of food before and during social isolation.
| Type of food | Lowa | Higha | OR | (CI95%) | value |
| Vegetables | Before | 628 (53.4) | 548 (46.6) | 1 | (Reference) | <0.01 | During | 569 (48.4) | 607 (51.6) | 1.56 | (1.21–2.00) | | Fruit | Before | 627 (53.3) | 549 (46.7) | 1 | (Reference) | <0.01 | During | 579 (49.2) | 597 (50.8) | 1.42 | (1.10–1.81) | | Legumes | Before | 927 (78.8) | 249 (21.2) | 1 | (Reference) | <0.01 | During | 881 (74.9) | 295 (25.1) | 1.67 | (1.23–2.28) | | Eggs | Before | 887 (75.4) | 289 (24.6) | 1 | (Reference) | <0.01 | During | 808 (68.7) | 368 (31.3) | 2.00 | (1.52–2.65) | | Bakery products | Before | 699 (59.4) | 477 (40.6) | 1 | (Reference) | <0.05 | During | 733 (62.3) | 443 (37.7) | 0.74 | (0.56–0.97) | |
Data expressed as absolute and relative frequency (%). OR: odds ratios; CI95%, confidence interval 95%. aConsumption of food.