Review Article

Nutrition-Related Mobile Application for Daily Dietary Self-Monitoring

Table 1

The clusters of keyword analysis.

ClusterItemsTotalPercentage (%)

Cluster 1Adolescent, adult, aged, attitude to health, behavior change, body mass, caloric intake, child, clinical article, clinical trial, comparative study, controlled clinical trial, diet, diet records, diet therapy, dietary intake, energy intake, enteral nutrition, enteric feeding, exercise, feeding behavior, food intake, food preference, health behavior, health education, health knowledge, health promotion, healthy diet, human experiment, intensive care unit, major clinical study, malnutrition, methodology, middle-aged, mobile application, mobile applications, nutrition, nutrition assessment, nutrition science, nutritional status, nutritional support, obesity, outcome assessment, overweight, parenteral nutrition, physical activity, pilot study, practice guideline, priority journal, procedures, prospective study, protein intake, questionnaire, randomized controlled, retrospective study, risk factor, self-care, self-monitoring, smartphone, survey and questionnaire, treatment outcome, weight loss, weight reduction, young adult7178

Cluster 2Albumin, albumin blood level, glucose, glucose blood level, hospitalization, length of stay, postoperative care, prealbumin88.8

Cluster 3C reactive protein, diabetes mellitus, triacylglycerol33.3

Cluster 4Body mass index, cross-sectional study, reproducibility33.3

Cluster 5Algorithm, mortality, nutrition therapy33.3

Cluster 6mHealth, mobile phone22.2

Cluster 7Body weight11.1