Research Article

The Effects of Hepatogomax Enteral Formula on Systemic Inflammation, Caecum Short-Chain Fatty Acid Levels, and Liver Histopathology in Thioacetamide-Induced Rats

Table 2

Inflammatory biomarker before and after intervention.

VariablePreinterventionPostinterventionΔ Changes
Mean ± SDMean ± SDMean ± SD

TNF-α (pg/ml)<0.001
 K16.62 ± 0.217.01 ± 0.320.0270.38 ± 0.20b
 K220.70 ± 0.2620.97 ± 0.290.0060.27 ± 0.14b
 K320.88 ± 0.257.89 ± 0.29<0.001−12.99 ± 0.42a,b
 P120.91 ± 0.2015.06 ± 0.340.028−5.85 ± 0.35a,b
 P220.85 ± 0.209.33 ± 0.38<0.001−11.47 ± 0.45a,b
 P320.78 ± 0.167.30 ± 0.21<0.001−13.49 ± 0.28a,b
IL-6 (pg/ml)<0.001
 K166.5 ± 2.4770.82 ± 2.870.0024.32 ± 1.86d
 K2148.67 ± 5.30153.153 ± 5.390.0084.49 ± 2.57d
 K3151.16 ± 5.6183.77 ± 3.43<0.001−67.40 ± 3.81c,d
 P1152.32 ± 5.03117.63 ± 4.17<0.001−34.70 ± 4.60c,d
 P2150.17 ± 4.1592.23 ± 3.21<0.001−57.93 ± 5.79c,d
 P3151.16 ± 7.1779.17 ± 4.69<0.001−72.05 ± 7.55c,d

1Wilcoxon test, 2paired t-test, 3Kruskal–Wallis test, 4one-way ANOVA test,  =  value, significant difference ( < 0.05), asignificant difference against control group (MannWhitney test), bsignificant difference against intervention group (MannWhitney test), csignificant difference against control group (post hoc LSD test), dsignificant difference against intervention group (post hoc LSD test).