Research Article

Postoperative Serum Procalcitonin Level Can Be a Useful Marker of Bacterial Infection after Cardiac Surgery Utilizing Cardiopulmonary Bypass

Table 3

Logistic regression analyses demonstrating procalcitonin and white blood cell levels as risk factors of bacterial infection.

VariablesAll (N = 146) N (%)Infection (N = 42) N (%) valueUnivariate analysis95% CIMultivariate analysis95% CI
OR valueOR value

PCT level at POD 7 (ng/dl)
 ≥4.13113 (77.40)25 (59.52)0.0013.740.0021.66–8.453.4100.0041.49–7.81
 <4.1333 (22.60)17 (40.48)
WBC level at POD 7 (cells/mm3)
 ≥19,87083 (56.85)19 (45.24)0.0960.2970.0740.94–4.001.6140.2160.76–3.44
 <19,87063 (43.15)23 (54.76)

Note. PCT, procalcitonin; POD, postoperative day; WBC, white blood cell; CI, confidence interval.