Research Article

Calcaneal BMD Obtained by Dual X-Ray and Laser Predicts Future Hip Fractures—A Prospective Study on 4 398 Swedish Women

Table 2

The number of individuals with different T-scores, their mean age with 1 standard deviation within parenthesis, the number of fractures, observation years and the annual fracture rate.

T-scoreNumberMean AgeFracturesObservation yearsAnnual fracture rate

<−61282 (8)62425%
-6<−55781 (9)111756.3%
-5<−431578 (7)3411343.0%
-4<−377273 (8)3431281.1%
-3<−2129770 (8)2551740.48%
-2<−1125467 (8)1348550.27%
-1<049465 (7)51928
0<115364 (7)2594
1<22264 (8)0112    
2<31163 (6)06527790.25%
3<4463 (6)030
4<5666 (1)042
<-2.5176974 (8)10169191.5%