Research Article

The Pattern of Microorganisms and Drug Susceptibility in Pediatric Oncologic Patients with Febrile Neutropenia

Table 7

Therapeutic response in febrile neutropenic children with Gram-negative bacterial infection.

CharacteristicsNon-antibiotics-resistant bacterial infection (N = 84)Antibiotics-resistant bacterial infection (N = 20) value+

Fever days after empirical antibiotic therapy (median, range)7 (1, 36)15 (8, 23)0.001
 Clinical outcome24 (28.6%)10 (50%)0.109
 Oxygen therapy22 (26.2%)9 (45%)0.11
 Shock21 (25%)8 (40%)0.266
 Admission to the intensive care unit12 (14.3%)7 (35%)0.05
 Renal dysfunction3 (3.6%)4 (20%)0.024
 Hepatic dysfunction8 (9.5%)1 (5%)0.477
 Mechanical ventilator care2 (2.4%)5 (25%)0.124
 Duration of hospitalization (median, range)29 (1, 150)31 (7, 43)0.790
 Overall 2-week mortality3 (3.6%)4 (20%)0.024

value calculated by the Mann–Whitney test or Fisher’s exact test as appropriate.