Research Article

An Empirical Likelihood Ratio-Based Omnibus Test for Normality with an Adjustment for Symmetric Alternatives

Table 3

Type I error rates along with the standard error for the proposed test statistics using .

AlphaSimulated probabilities of the type I error along with standard error
Sample sizeCUSUM-type test statisticShiryaev–Roberts test statistic

0.01200.009214  1.3509e − 040.009346  1.3606e − 04
300.010163  1.4181e − 040.010291  1.4269e − 04
500.010589  1.4469e − 040.009849  1.3963e − 04
800.010893  1.4675e − 040.009613  1.3796e − 04
1000.009706  1.3862e − 040.009916  1.4003e − 04
0.05200.050133  3.0859e − 040.049785  3.0758e − 04
300.049841  3.0774e − 040.050578  3.0989e − 04
500.052238  3.1464e − 040.049027  3.0534e − 04
800.051434  3.1235e − 040.050018  3.0826e − 04
1000.048295  3.0317e − 040.051756  3.1327e − 04
0.10200.102066  4.2812e − 040.100521  4.2523e − 04
300.100938  4.2601e − 040.098578  4.2156e − 04
500.101902  4.2781e − 040.099039  4.2242e − 04
800.101586  4.2722e − 040.099829  4.2392e − 04
1000.095552  4.1573e − 040.101395  4.2686e − 04