Research Article

Type XXVIII Collagen Regulates Renal Interstitial Fibrosis and Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition by SREBP1-Mediated HKDC1 Expression

Figure 2

Overexpression of COL28 promotes EMT in HK-2 cells. (a, b) 10 ng/mL TGF-β1 promotes HK-2 cell α-SMA, COL28, and TGF-β1 expression ( vs. control, ). (c, d) The effect of COL28 overexpression in HK-2 cells on the α-SMA, E-cadherin, Snail, HKDC1, and SREBP1 expressions by WB ( vs. control, # vs. TGF-β1, & vs. COL28-NC, ). (e–h) Overexpression of COL28 on the EMT of HK-2 cells detected by immunofluorescence ( vs. control, # vs. TGF-β1, and & vs. COL28-NC).