Research Article

Association between Interactions among ACE Gene Polymorphisms and Essential Hypertension in Patients in the Hefei Region, Anhui, China

Table 5

The interaction of ACE gene polymorphism in the EH groups.

GeneTraining balanced accuracyTesting balanced accuracyCV consistencyOR (95% CI)

rs4291, rs4309, rs44611420.62940.611210/10<0.013.52 (2.20, 5.63)
rs4291, rs44611420.60560.590010/10<0.012.45 (1.56, 3.83)
rs4459609, rs12709426, rs4291, rs4309, rs4461142, rs43310.65170.561210/10<0.014.07 (2.55, 6.48)