Research Article

Polymorphisms in the Renin-Angiotensin System and eNOS Glu298Asp Genes Are Associated with Increased Risk for Essential Hypertension in a Mexican Population

Table 6

AGT T174M genotype and allele frequency in patients with essential hypertension and controls.

valueOR (95% CI)

T/T, 170 (75.9)166 (79.8)0.461.32 (0.84–2.01)
T/M, 50 (22.3)40 (19.2)
M/M, 4 (1.8)2 (1.0)
Dominant model
T/T vs. T/M+M/M, 170 vs.166 vs. 0.331.26 (0.78–2.03)
Recessive model
M/M vs. T/M+M/M, 4 vs. 2 vs. 0.441.87 (0.29–14.86)
Allele frequency
M, 390 (87.0)372 (89.4)0.281.24 (0.81–1.95)
T, 58 (13.0)44 (10.6)

Data presented are number and % of patients. CI: confidence interval; odds ratio, .