Research Article

Biochemical Evaluation by Confirmatory Tests after Unilateral Adrenalectomy for Primary Aldosteronism

Table 1

Definition of clinical and biochemical outcomes in PASO criteria.

Clinical outcomeCompleteNormal BP without medication
PartialThe same BP before Adx with less medication
Reduction in BP with either the same or less medication
AbsentUnchanged or increased BP with the same or an increased medication

Biochemical outcomeCompleteCorrection of hypokalemia
Normalization of ARR
In patient with a raised ARR, PAC should be suppressed in confirmatory tests
PartialCorrection of hypokalemia
A raised ARR
≥50% decrease in baseline aldosterone (compared with before Adx) and/or abnormal but improved result after Adx confirmatory tests
AbsentPersistent hypokalemia
A persistent raised ARR
Failure to suppress PAC after Adx confirmatory tests

Criteria shown by Ref. [8] are adopted in this study. PASO: primary aldosteronism surgery outcome; BP: blood pressure; medication, antihypertensive medication; ARR: aldosterone-renin ratio; PAC: plasma aldosterone concentration; Adx: adrenalectomy. The same and unchanged BP levels are defined as a difference (before Adx vs after Adx) in systolic BP (SBP) of <20 mmHg and diastolic BP (DBP) of <10 mmHg; reduction or increase in BP is defined as a difference in SBP of ≥20 mmHg or DBP of ≥10 mmHg, or both; however, if a change in SBP and an opposing change in DBP are reported, the BP response is defined by the change in SBP. The same medication is defined as a change (decrease or increase) of less than 0.5 times the defined daily dose between before and after Adx; less medication is defined as a decrease of 0.5 or more times the defined daily dose between before and after Adx; and increased medication is defined as an increase of 0.5 or more times the defined daily dose between before and after Adx.