Research Article

Protein Kinase Cε, Which Is Linked to Ultraviolet Radiation-Induced Development of Squamous Cell Carcinomas, Stimulates Rapid Turnover of Adult Hair Follicle Stem Cells

Figure 6

Distribution and expression of PKCε in FACS-sorted keratinocytes from WT, TG224, and TG215 mice. (a) FACS-sorted keratinocytes. The keratinocytes were harvested from 5 weeks old wild-type and TG mice and incubated with the CD34 and α6-integrin florescent antibodies. After labeling, the cells were washed twice, filtered, and sorted for CD34+, α6-integrin+ cells, CD34+/α6-integrin+, and CD34−/α6-integrin-cells. (b) PKCε expression. The RNA was isolated from the sorted cell, followed by cDNA preparation, and then real-time PCR using SYBR Green double-strand DNA binding dye. After real-time PCR Ct values were calculated and analyzed for expression. All the expression values shown in the figures are relative to their mouse Gapdh internal control.