Research Article

College Students’ Perceptions of Worry and Parent Beliefs: Associations with Behaviors to Prevent Sun Exposure

Table 3

Univariate tests for gender and means and standard deviations for females and males.


Sun protection behaviorsI wear sunglasses5.23.023.0122.59.882.26.89
I wear sunscreen13.96<.001.0302.43.871.99.72
I wear hats in the bright sun4.53.034.0101.77.821.97.82
I wear chap stick with sunscreen in it26.82<.001.0572.561.041.72.92
I wear a hat with a brim on it9.99.002.0221.71.871.99.89
WorryI worry about getting too much sun on my skin7.89.005.0172.

Note. Including “Do not know” answers could have lowered mean scores.