Review Article

The Chemotherapeutic Potentials of Compounds Isolated from the Plant, Marine, Fungus, and Microorganism: Their Mechanism of Action and Prospects

Table 1

Anticancer agent from natural source that has been already used in the treatment of various cancers in humans and FDA-approved agents.

NameSourceName of the sourceMOATarget and type of cancerReference

Vincristine vinca alkaloidPlantCatharanthus roseusInhibits self assembly of microtubule and induces assembly of tubulinChildren's leukemia[22, 23]
VinblastinePlantCatharanthus roseusBinds to microtubule proteins in the mitotic spindle and prevents cell division during metaphaseHodgkin's disease (lymphoid cancer)
EtoposidePlantPodophyllum peltatumInhibits enzyme topoisomerase II in DNA replicationTesticular cancer (along bleomycin and cisplatin)[24]
Camptothecin quinoline alkaloidPlantCamptotheca acuminataTopoisomerase IIrinotecan and topotecan ovarian and colorectal cancer[25]
PaclitaxelPlantTaxus brevifoliaStabilizes microtubules and leads to mitotic arrestOvarian, breast, and other tumors in clinic[26, 27]
DocetaxelPlantAntineoplastic activity: I—inhibition of microtubular depolymerization
II—attenuation of the effects of Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL gene expression
TaxanePlantDisruption of microtubule functionEarly and metastatic breast cancer[28]
HomoharringtoninePlantCephalotaxus harringtoniiInhibition of protein synthesis in the ribosome of cancer cellsChronic myeloid leukemia after failure of 2 or more tyrosine kinase inhibitors[29]
Ingenol mebutatePlantEuphorbia peplusProtein kinase C (PKC) activatorAntileukemic[30]
CytarabineMarineSpongeSugar moiety of cytarabine hinder the rotation of the molecule within the DNA. Stops replication of DNA in the S phase of cell cycle.AME and non-Hodgkin lymphoma
FDA approved
[31, 32]
Ecteinascidin-743 (synthetic compound like sponge)MarineEcteinascidia turbinataInteracts with the minor groove of DNA and alkylates guanine at the N2 positionMetastatic breast cancer
FDA approved 2010
[33, 34]
Dolastatin-10, (MMAE-synthetic)MarineDolabella auriculariaBinds to the microtubule and prevents polymerization inhibiting the G/M phase cell cycle and apoptosisHodgkin’s lymphoma, systemic anaplastic large cell lymphoma, cutaneous, peripheral T-cell lymphomas
FDA approved
EribulinMarineMarine spongeInhibition of microtubule polymerization—by binding to high-affinity sites on β-tubulin at the exposed (plus) ends of growing microtubulesUnresectable and metastatic liposarcoma
FDA approved
Eribulin mesylateMarineMarine sponge, Halichondria okadaiInhibition of the growth phase of the microtubuleMetastatic breast cancer approved[36]
Cytosar-UMarineCoral reefInterferes in DNA synthesis in cells and kills itLeukemia and lymphoma[37]
5-Episinuleptolide acetateMarineCoral reefThis diterpenoid led to caspases-3, -8, and -9 activation as well as PARP cleavage. It also induced ROS generation, calcium accumulation, and disruption of mitochondrial membrane potential.Leukemia[38]
PlitidepsinMarine tunicatesAplidium albicansInhibits proliferating cell and causes programmed cell deathMultiple myeloma
FDA approved 2006
40-O-(2-hydroxyethyl-rapamycinMicroorganismStreptomyces hygroscopicusProtein kinase inhibitor and cytochrome P450 3A4 inhibitor; modulates human dendritic cell functionPancreatic neuroendocrine tumors: FDA 2011, renal angiomyoloma with tubererous sclerosis FDA April 2012, hormone receptor-positive, HERS2-negative breast cancer FDA July 2012[40]
No. Q996-17
Selective protease inhibitorRelapsed and refractory multiple myeloma—FDA July 2012[41]
Doxorubicin (DOX)MicroorganismStreptomyces peucetius var. caesiusIntercalation of DOX-base pairs on the strands of the DNA, resulting in the inhibition of synthesis of DNA and transcription, the iron free radicals generated causes cellular damage to membranes, protein, and DNAAcute lymphoblastic leukemia, acute myeloblastic leukemia, Wilms' tumor, neuroblastoma, soft tissue and bone sarcomas, breast carcinoma, ovarian carcinoma, transitional cell bladder carcinoma, thyroid carcinoma, gastric carcinoma, Hodgkin's disease, malignant lymphoma, and bronchogenic carcinoma 1974[42]