Review Article

The Chemotherapeutic Potentials of Compounds Isolated from the Plant, Marine, Fungus, and Microorganism: Their Mechanism of Action and Prospects

Table 3

Anticancer agent that shows chemotherapeutic properties on various cell lines.

Name of the compoundSourceName of the sourceMechanism of actionActivity against cell lineReference

4-IpomeanolPlantIpomoeca batatasInhibits DNA topoisomerase I and induces delay in the cell cycle at gap G-1 phase or S phaseInduces cell death in human carcinoma including breast, ovary, lung, and colon carcinoma cells[54, 68]

Alvaradoin E (10)PlantAlvaradoa haitiensis UrbAntileukemic activity
KB, LNcaP, and CoI2 cells
[69, 70]

Laulimalide and IsolanulideMarineHyatella spMicrotubule—stabilizing agent—inhibited the P-glycoprotein responsible for multiple drug resistance in tumor cellsCytotoxic against KB cell line[71]

5-Episinuleptolide acetateMarineSinularia spCytotoxic against cell lines like K562, Molt 4, and HL 60.[38]

SecosterolMarineLobophytum spAntitumor and antileukemic against human ovarian tumor and human leukemia cell lines[72, 73]

Fucoidan-sulfated polysaccharideMarineBrown algaeActivation of the host immune responsesEffective against apoptosis, human lymphoma, and HS-Sultan cell line[74]

Halomon pentahalogenatedMarinePortieria hornemanniiActs as demethylating agentCytotoxic cancer cell line[75, 76]

Polyunsaturated aldehydes (PUAs)Marine diatomsThalassiosira rotula, S. costatum, and P. delicatissimaAnticancer against human colon adenocarcinoma cell line[77]