Research Article

Larval Anopheles Species Composition and Diversity at Different Habitats and Seasons of Gondar Zuria District, Ethiopia

Table 1

Mean of the number of larvae at different habitats.


An. gambiae complex59.16a57.16a70.50a56.50a65.83a
An. christyi33.83bc28.83b–e37.33b31.83b–d35.50bc
An. cinereus27.50b–e27.66b–e28.16b–e27.16b–e29.16b–e
An. demeilloni27.50b–e23.66b–e26.16b–e25.33b–e24.16b–e
An. pharoensis16.83e18.50de24.16b–e17.00e22.6c–e

Means followed by the same letter(s) are not significantly different according to the Tukey honestly significant difference test at α = 0.05.