Research Article

Larval Anopheles Species Composition and Diversity at Different Habitats and Seasons of Gondar Zuria District, Ethiopia

Table 2

Mean of the number of larvae in months of the study season.


An. gambiae complex68.4a68.2a62.0ab53.2bc52.4bc66.8ab
An. christyi36.2de39.2cd32.4d–f29.2d–g29.4d–g34.4d–f
An. cinereus26.8d–h30.4d–f28.8d–h27.8d–h27.0d–h26.8d–h
An. demeilloni27.6d–h25.6d–h25.4d–h21.8e–h22.2e–h29.6d–f
An. pharoensis21.6e–h21.4f–h25.8d–h14.4h14.8g–h21.0f–h

Means followed by the same letter(s) are not significantly different according to the Tukey honestly significant difference test at α = 0.05.