Research Article

Prevalence for the Disclosure of HIV Status to Sexual Partners and Its Determinants among Adults under cART in Amhara Region, Northwest Ethiopia

Table 1

Baseline sociodemographic and clinical variables of 792 participants in the study area.

VariableAverage (Q1, Q3)No (%)

Weight (kg)58.1 (45–70)
Baseline CD4 cells/mm3148.7 (113–180)
Age (years)64.3 (48–78)
Follow-up times23 visits
First month/initial CD4 cell count change/mm316.6 (12–26)
SexMale392 (49.4)
Female400 (50.6)
Educational statusNo education163 (20.6)
Primary209 (26.4)
Secondary274 (34.6)
Tertiary146 (18.4)
Residential areaUrban468 (59.1)
Rural324 (40.9)
Existence of social violenceYes345 (56.4)
No447 (43.6)
Existence of mental depressionYes478 (60.4)
No314 (39.6)
Availability of social supportYes350 (44.2)
No442 (55.8)
Marital statusLiving with partner446 (56.3)
Living without partner346 (43.7)
WHO HIV stageStage I101 (12.8)
Stage II259 (32.7)
Stage III199 (25.1)
Stage IV233 (29.4)
Disclosure of the diseaseYes166 (21.0)
No226 (79.0)
Adherence to cARTAdherent202 (25.5)
Non-adherent590 (74.5)