Research Article

Evaluation of the Inhibitory Effect of Moringa oleifera Leaves Methanolic Extract against In Vitro Growth of Several Babesia Species and Theileria equi and the In Vivo Growth of Babesia microti

Table 1

IC50 values of Moringa oleifera leaves evaluated for bovine Babesia and equine Babesia and Theileria parasites.

OrganismIC50 (µg/ml)a
MOLDAZingiber officinale rhizomebTurmeric (Curcuma longa)cPomegranate (Punica granatum) peeld

B. bovis45.29 ± 6.140.16 ± 0.02588 ± 23.80830 ± 78154.45 ± 23.11
B. bigemina19.16 ± 0.450.08 ± 0.00314800 ± 1240ND40.90 ± 9.35
T. equi137.49 ± 16.070.28 ± 0.0139350 ± 13401405 ± 575100 ± 16.20
B. caballi9.29 ± 0.0140.012 ± 0.003356.05 ± 34.71720 ± 9077.27 ± 16.94

aThe final IC50s obtained represents the mean ± SD of values obtained from three separate experiments. b[9], c[10], d[11]. MOL, Moringa oleifera leaves methanolic extract. DA, diminazene aceturate. ND not detected.