Research Article

Prevalence and Associated Factors of Dengue Virus Circulation in the Rural Community, Handeni District in Tanga, Tanzania

Table 1

Socio-demographic characteristic of participants (n = 362).

VariablesBondo % (n)Kwadoya % (n)Kwamgwe % (n)

Age<5 Years10.4 (15)8.6 (8)18.4 (23)
6 to 17 Years34.7 (50)29.0 (27)41.6 (52)
≥18 Years54.9 (79)62.4 (58)40.0 (59)

SexMale39.6 (57)45.2 (42)43.2 (54)
Female60.4 (87)54.8 (51)56.8 (71)

Education levelPrimary66.7 (96)60.2 (56)49.6 (62)
Secondary2.8 (4)4.3 (4)7.2 (9)
Tertiary1.4 (2)1.1 (1)0 (0)
Not gone to school/child29.2 (42)34.4 (32)43.2 (54)

OccupationFarmer88.9 (128)95.7 (89)86.4 (108)
Business/self-employed5.6 (8)3.2 (3)10.4 (13)
Employed5.6 (8)1.1 (1)3.2 (4)

Average HH income per month<85 USD/-91.7 (132)94.6 (88)90.4 (113)
85–420 USD8.3 (12)5.4 (5)9.6 (12)

Total39.8 (144)25.7 (93)34.5 (125)

HH: household.