Research Article

Prevalence and Determinants of Geohelminthiasis among School-Age Children in Jimma City, Ethiopia

Table 2

Intensity of STH infections among SAC in the peri-urban Kebeles of Jimma City, Ethiopia, July to September 2021 (n = 748).

STH speciesNumber of STH cases (%)Infection intensity
Geometric mean EPG (95% CI)Light (%)Moderate (%)

A. lumbricoides75 (15.7)688.8 (457.1–1007.7)62 (82.7)13 (17.3)
T. trichiura43 (9.0)146.7 (107.4–202.0)41 (95.3)2 (4.7)
Hookworm10 (2.1)170.7 (107.0–282.2)10 (100)0
Overall128367.4 (278.0–480.0)113 (88.3)15 (11.7)

EPG: eggs per gram; CI: confidence interval.