Research Article

Antimicrobial Resistance and Associated Risk Factors for Clostridium difficile in Patients Attending Tertiary Care Settings

Table 5

Risk factors associated with C. difficile associated diarrhea in hospitalized patients.

Risk factors(n = 128) value

Age group (60–80 years)48 (15.5%)<0.002
Age groups below 60 years80
Gender: male83
Hospitalized recently102
Not hospitalized recently26<0.0001
Antibiotics used in last 2 weeks113
Antibiotics not used15
Proton pump inhibitors (PPI) used87<0.0003
PPI not used41
Chemotherapy used42
Chemotherapy not used86<0.001
H2 blockers used68
H2 blockers not used60
Diabetes positive710.007
Diabetes negative57
Hypertension present820.006
Hypertension absent46
Kidney disease present47
Kidney disease not present81
Liver disorder present51
Liver disorder absent770.008
Any kind of malignancy present21
Malignancy absent105
Cholelithiasis surgery450.007
Surgery not done83
Colon surgery done24
Colon surgery not done104