Research Article

Shock Hugoniot Data for Water up to 5 Mbar Obtained with Quartz Standard at High-Energy Laser Facilities

Figure 10

Laser drive beam hits the target from the top as indicated by the arrow symbol; the constituent layers are also indicated with the right order (CH/Au/SiO2/water). (a) Hydrodynamic progression of the density map obtained from MULTI-1D reproducing the experimental results of shot SID-43058 with nominal laser intensity 1.4  1013 W/cm2; for this particular shot, 3 beams/12 were used for the main drive delivering a total of 252 J on the target. With the above laser parameter, the simulation reproduces well the shock breakout time in the SiO2-H2O inner interface. (b) Variation of the pressure map for the same shot conditions. (c) Time evolution of pressure and density forms MULTI simulation for shot SID-43058. (d) Change of pressure at the shock front up to the maximum simulation time.