Research Article

Investigation of Proton Beam-Driven Fusion Reactions Generated by an Ultra-Short Petawatt-Scale Laser Pulse

Table 2

Activation results for the pitcher-catcher shots after 30-shot integration.


Half-life (min)20.49.94109.8
Decay constant (min−1)0.0340.06970.0063
Relative contribution (%)93.4356.5310.034
Activity A at t = 0 (Bq)91436393.3
Number of nuclei N21.6 × 1075.5 × 1053.2 × 104
N2 per shot per J37,000130075

Each column lists physical and fit parameters for the three discussed nuclei. N2 is the calculated number of nuclei based on the measured activity A. The last row is the same number, normalized per shot per 1 J of energy.