Research Article

Bright High-Harmonic Generation through Coherent Synchrotron Emission Based on the Polarization Gating Scheme

Figure 6

2D PIC simulation. (a) Intensity boost and modulation of harmonic spectrum in the polarization gating scheme. The intensity of HHG with optimal time delay (red curve) can be increased by approximately 100 times when compared with the other nonoptimal time delay (blue curve). The other simulation parameters are a = 10, τ = 6 T0, ne = 100 nc, Ls = 0.2 λL, and normal incidence. (b, c) Snapshots of electron density at different times when the time delay is 6 fs. The other simulation parameters are a = 10, τ = 6 T0, ne = 100 nc, Ls = 0.2 λL, and normal incidence.