Research Article

Stress Is Associated with Quality of Life Reduction among Health Professionals in Vietnam: A Multisite Survey

Table 1

Sociodemographic characteristics and stress characteristics according to the DASS-21 stress subscale ().

CharacteristicsFrequency ()Percentage (%)

Age group
 30 years old16131.0
 31-40 years old26851.5
 41-50 years old6913.3
 >50 years old224.2
Mean (min–max) (22-66)
Marital status
 Not married10219.6
 Divorced, separated91.7
Hospital work experience
 <5 years16331.3
 5-10 years17834.2
 >10 years17934.4
Average work (min–max) (1-40)
Average income
 Under 3 million VND234.4
 3-5 million VND14327.5
 6-10 million VND24246.5
 >10 million VND11221.5
Average (min–max) (1-70)
Stress status according to the DASS-21 scale
 Mild stress5610.7
 Moderate stress458.7
 Severe stress295.6
 Very severe stress152.9
Job stability
 Unstable/relatively stable34366.0
Job suitability
 Not suitable/relatively suitable20940.2
Facing adverse events in the past year