Research Article

Stress Is Associated with Quality of Life Reduction among Health Professionals in Vietnam: A Multisite Survey

Table 5

Multivariate regression analysis on the relationship between some factors to quality of life in health workers.

CharacteristicsPhysicalPsychologicalSocial relationshipsEnvironment
β (95% CI) [ value]β (95% CI) [ value]β (95% CI) [ value]β (95% CI) [ value]

Gender-0.08 (-4.571 to 0.198) [0.072]-0.03 (-2.941 to 1.323) [0.456]-0.05 (-3.840 to 1.200) [0.304]-0.04 (-2.934 to 0.0884) [0.29]
Age0.05 (-0.080 to 0.261) [0.296]0.18 (0.180 to 0.485) [<0.001]0.06 (-0.075 to 0.286) [0.250]0.08 (-0.010 to 0.264) [0.06]
Qualification-0.04 (-3.505 to 1.377) [0.392]-0.04 (-3.152 to 1.213) [0.383]-0.01 (-2.930 to 2.230) [0.790]-0.04 (-1.98 to 0.734) [0.367]
Workplace0.11 (0.566 to 5.572) [0.016]0.09 (0.152 to 4.628) [0.036]0.52 (-1.148 to 4.143) [0.267]0.08 (0.059 to 4.085) [0.04]
Job stability0.05 (-1.181 to 4.220) [0.269]0.11 (0.786 to 5.615) [0.009]0.07 (-0.812 to 4.896) [0.160]0.12 (0.745 to 5.137) [0.009]
Job suitability0.04 (-1.543 to 3.615) [0.430]0.12 (0.879 to 5.491) [0.007]0.08 (-0.533 to 4.918) [0.115]0.06 (-0.751 to 3.437) [0.208]
Adverse events in the past year0.08 (-0.122 to 6.645) [0.059]0.09 (0.862 to 6.913) [0.012]0.03 (-2.174 to 4.978) [0.441]0.11 (1.119 to 6.618) [0.006]
Stress-2.23 (-9.562 to -4.372) [<0.001]-0.28 (-10.540 to -5.899) [<0.001]-0.18 (-8.529 to -3.044) [<0.001]-0.27 (-9.172 to -4.954) [<0.001]