TASG: An Augmented Classification Method for Impersonal HAR
Algorithm 1
Activity sparse grouping algorithm.
Input: A: {A1, A2,…, An}, G = Ø
Output: G: {G1, G2,…, Gm}(1)Sparse decomposition of training data and solve the sparse coefficients;(2)Calculating the similarity matrix ;(3)for i = 1, 2, …, nif thenend ifend for(4)Do:for each if Aq ∈ Gkthen add Ap into Gk and remove Ap from Aend ifend for eachuntil A = Ø or A no longer changes(5)if A ≠ Ø cluster remaining activities in A into a new group Gm and add Gm into Gend if(6)Return G;