Research Article

[Retracted] Three-Dimensional Landscape Rendering and Landscape Spatial Distribution of Traditional Villages Based on Big Data Information System

Table 1

Carriers of elements of traditional village landscape.

material Form landscapeNatural landscapeTopography, climate, soil, hydrology, flora and fauna, and color landscape
Settlement and architectural landscapeDwellings, roads, wells, waterwheels, streets, houses, sculptures, calligraphy, gardens, stone bridges, wooden bridges, docks, shops, post stations, ancestral halls, temples, pavilions, theatres, archways, gate towers, academies, and dojos

Immaterial landscapeEconomy and living landscapePopulation, agricultural crops, daily activities in the countryside, including carrying water, chopping firewood, breeding, grazing, sowing, transplanting, picking, harvesting, resting, and trading
Historical culture and folklore landscapeLanguage, clothing, religion, local worship, folk knowledge, construction skills, traditional crafts, living customs, rural governance, entertainment, and competition