Review Article

Resource Provisioning Techniques in Multi-Access Edge Computing Environments: Outlook, Expression, and Beyond

Table 3

Categorization of resource provisioning techniques.

Resource provisioning techniquesThe objective of the techniques

Deadline-based resource provisioning techniquesProvisioning of resources to requests which have the least time (earliest deadline) to complete to ensure on-time service
Context-based resource provisioning techniquesResource provisioning based on the current context of the clients and the CDC to avoid service failure
Cloudlet support resource provisioning techniquesProvisioning of resources from the servers available within the proximity of the user to reduce response delay
Resource management-based resource provisioning techniquesProvisioning of resources to request with consideration of load balancing to avoid over or under-utilization of resources at servers
Energy-efficient resource provisioning techniquesTo improve the QoS, provisioning is carried out by considering parameters, namely, energy efficiency, cost, and so on