Research Article

Robust Satellite Scheduling Approach for Dynamic Emergency Tasks

Algorithm 1

for each  // every individual in population
;    // let the set of individuals dominated by be null
;     // the number of individuals dominating be 0
for each
 if () then     // if dominates
   ; add into
 else if () then   // if dominates
end for;
end for;
for each
 if () then
  ;     // the rank of is 1st
  ;     // add into the set of the first non-dominated front
end for;
;         // initialize the rank of the non-dominated fronts
 for each
  for each
   ; // the number of individuals dominating is reduced by one
    if () then  // if there is no individual dominating
     ;     // the rank of plus one
     ;    // add into the non-dominated front
  end for;
 end for;
end while.