Research Article

Cloud Particles Differential Evolution Algorithm: A Novel Optimization Method for Global Numerical Optimization

Algorithm 2

Evolutionary algorithm of the cloud liquid phase.
(1)if State == 1 then
(2)  for to             % Cloud Differential Mutation
(3)   Calculate the nucleus according to (13)
(4)   Calculate according to (14)
(5)   Calculate according to (15)
(6)   Generate and with cloud generator
(7)   Generate according to (16)
(8)   Vector is generated according to (4) and (9)
(9)   Select the population () for the next generation
(10) end for
(11) if NFES == Runmax    MaxFES    0.025 then %Phase Transformation from liquid to solid
(13)   Archive =
(15)   State = 2
(16) end if
(17) end if