A Hybrid Harmony Search Algorithm with Distribution Estimation for Solving the 0-1 Knapsack Problem
Algorithm 7
The HHSEDA algorithm for the 0-1 knapsack problem.
Initialize the algorithm and problem parameters.
The harmony memory library should be initialized according to the feasible solution initialization method and the requirement of knapsack capacity to be met.
Calculate the fitness value after initialization.
for i = 1 to J1 do
Find the worst and best harmony in the harmony memory database as p
Calculate fitness values and sort them
For i = 1: K% select the dominant population
The number of K populations with the highest fitness value was selected
For j = 1: N%% Generates new harmonies based on Guided Improvisation
Count the number of bags selected in each column
if rand < HMCR
r = ceil (HMS ∗ rand) Randomly select the harmonic vector
if rand < PAR
If rand < probability
Update the corresponding harmonies
else Random mutation produces new harmonies
end for
The total capacity of the newly produced harmony is calculated
If the knapsack capacity requirement is met, the greedy selection is made under the constraint
If the knapsack capacity requirement is not met, the harmony is repaired