Research Article

A Hybrid Harmony Search Algorithm with Distribution Estimation for Solving the 0-1 Knapsack Problem

Table 1

The parameters.

VariantParameter setting

HHSEDAHMCR = 0.99; HMS = 30; youxiunum = 10;
ABHSCC = 8; GNC = 1; HMS = 30; PAR = 0.2;
NGHSPm = 0.005; HMS = 30;
DBHSHMCR = 0.99; PAR = 0.1; HMS = 30;
BHSHMCR = 0.99; HMS = 30;
GANP = 30; Pc = 0.8; Pm = 0.05; afa = 2;
PSO;  = 04;  = 10;  = -10; c1 = 1.5; c2 = 1.5; N = 30;
BFPA = 0.8; λ = 1.5;
BABC-DECR = 0.9;

Note: the GA and PSO algorithms mentioned above are obtained by modifying the classical form to the binary form.