Research Article

Transcutaneous Electrical Acupoint Stimulation in Early Life Changes Synaptic Plasticity and Improves Symptoms in a Valproic Acid-Induced Rat Model of Autism

Figure 1

TEAS on PND7-PND13 did not improve the development and USVs of VPA-induced offspring. (a) Experimental design of TEAS intervention and behavior tests. (b) The photo is the offspring receiving TEAS. (c) The number of pups with eye-opened on certain days (two-way ANOVA, NS-control , VPA-sham , VPA-TEAS ). (d) Body weight of pups from PND2 to PND21 (one-way ANOVA, NS-control , VPA-sham , VPA-TEAS ). (e) Total USV numbers (PND7 vs. PND13: paired -test, NS-control vs. VPA-sham vs. VPA-TEAS: one-way ANOVA, NS-control , VPA-sham , VPA-TEAS ). Data are presented as the . , , ; NS-control vs. VPA-TEAS, #, .