Research Article

Structural and Functional Deficits in Patients with Poststroke Dementia: A Multimodal MRI Study

Table 1

Demographic and clinical information of all participants.

NCs ()PSND ()PSD () value

Age, mean (SD)60.71 (10.36)61.67 (7.21)66.95 (9.04)2.940.06
Male, (%)9 (43)20 (83)11 (55)8.270.02
ICV (L), mean (SD)1.46 (0.14)1.41 (0.31)1.30 (0.26)8.350.02
FD, mean (SD)0.09 (0.07)0.11 (0.07)0.08 (0.05)5.160.08
Education level, (%)19.360.01
 None04 (17)7 (35)
 Primary14 (67)6 (25)5(25)
 Junior high school5 (24)8 (33)5 (25)
 Senior high school2 (9)5 (21)3 (15)
 Superior01 (4)0
Duration of illness (day), mean (SD)N/A99.04 (62.14)104.55 (69.69)-0.280.78
NIHSS1†, mean (SD)N/A1.79 (2.36)1.55 (2.21)0.350.73
NIHSS2†, mean (SD)N/A0.17 (0.38)0.25 (0.44)-0.670.51
mRS1‡, (%)3.030.39
 0-1-2-4N/A15 (63)-7 (29)-0-2 (8)14 (70)-5 (25)-1 (5)-0
mRS2‡, (%)0.110.74
 0-1N/A19 (79)-5 (21)15 (75)-5 (25)
MMSE1†, mean (SD)25.88 (3.04)26.88 (2.91)20.30 (4.50)20.77<0.001
MMSE2†, mean(SD)25.88 (3.04)27.17 (2.32)20.45 (4.38)24.19<0.001
Mini-Cog1‡, (%)79.46<0.001
 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-70-0-0-0-1 (5)-5 (24)-3 (14)-12 (57)0-0-3 (13)-12 (50)-0-9 (37)-0-02 (10)-0-7 (35)-9 (45)-2 (10)-0-0-0
Mini-Cog1‡, (%)65.34<0.001
 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-70-0-0-0-1 (5)-5 (24)-3 (14)-12 (57)0-0-2 (8)-8 (33)-1 (5)-13 (54)-0-03 (15)-1 (5)-4 (20)-7 (35)-1 (5)-4 (20)-0-0

1Acute phase; 2third month; one-way ANOVA analysis/two-sample -test; chi-square test. Age, ICV, duration of illness, and MMSE are shown as mean (standard deviation); other data ( (%)) are number of participants (percentage). , , and represent , , and , respectively. NCs: normal controls; PSND: poststroke nondemented; PSD: poststroke demented; ICV: intracranial volume; FD: framewise displacement; NIHSS: National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale; mRS: modified Rankin Scale; MMSE: Mini-Mental State Examination.