Research Article

Structural and Functional Deficits in Patients with Poststroke Dementia: A Multimodal MRI Study

Table 4

Brain regions showing significant differences in GMV and fALFF values among the PSND, PSD, and NC groups.

RegionHemisphereMNI coordinateCluster size value

 Cerebellum posterior lobeLeft-12-64.5-3641720.85
 Medial prefrontal cortexLeft-370.5-971124.57
 Superior frontal gyrusLeft-22.528.56051116.01
 Superior temporal gyrusRight60-242163314.91
 Inferior frontal gyrusRight4534813811.16

GMV: gray matter volume; fALFF: fractional amplitude of low-frequency fluctuation; NC: normal control; PSND: poststroke nondemented; PSD: poststroke demented.