Research Article

Lack of UBE3A-Mediated Regulation of Synaptic SK2 Channels Contributes to Learning and Memory Impairment in the Female Mouse Model of Angelman Syndrome

Figure 4

Effects of apamin treatment on fear conditioning in female WT and AS mice. WT and AS mice were treated with apamin (0.4 mg/kg) 30 min before training for fear-conditioning, as described in the Methods. Results are expressed as percent (%) time mice exhibited freezing behavior. (a) % freezing time for different experimental groups in context memory ( of 6-8 mice; , as compared to WT-Vehicle mice; #, as compared to AS-Vehicle mice (two-way ANOVA followed by the Tukey test; for genotype, , for treatment, , for interaction, ). (b) % freezing time for different experimental groups in tone memory ( of 6-8 mice; , as compared to WT-Vehicle mice; #, as compared to AS-Vehicle mice (two-way ANOVA followed by the Tukey test; for genotype, , for treatment, , for interaction, ).