Research Article

The Effect of Swallowing Action Observation Therapy on Resting fMRI in Stroke Patients with Dysphagia

Table 3

Difference in brain regions of mfALFF between stroke patients before treatment and healthy controls.

Brain areaVoxel sizeMNI coordinatesPeak -value

Conventional band (0.01-0.08 Hz)
Temporal_Inf_R7260 -21 -307.3028
Calcarine_L145-9 -87 6-5.7019
Thalamus_L49-6 -15 12-4.9552
Slow-4 band: 0.027-0.073
Slow-5 band: 0.01-0.027
Cerebellum_7b_L54-24 -75 -545.1098
Temporal_Inf_L50-33 -9 -455.6083
Calcarine_L672-12 -87 9-6.6743
Frontal_Mid_R8942 30 455.5876

: statistical value of mfALFF differences between the two groups (negative values: patients before treatment<healthy controls; positive values: patients before treatment>healthy controls); MNI: Montreal Neurological Institute Coordinate System or Template; Temporal_Inf_R: inferior temporal gyrus; Calcarine_L: calcarine fissure and surrounding cortex; Thalamus_L: thalamus; Cerebellum_7b_L: inferior cerebellum; Frontal_Mid_R: middle frontal gyrus.