Research Article

Validation of an Individualized Measure of Quality of Life, Patient Generated Index, for Use with People with Parkinson’s Disease

Table 4

Comparison of the PGI against standard PRO measures at the item level among people who endorsed the area.

ItemsNumber of response optionsStandard PRO measureAgreement
Δ ± 1
N (%)
PPV (%)NPV (%)

Walking several blocks3RAND-36 PFI20 (100)7063
Walking one block3RAND-36 PFI18 (90)5580
Walking more than a kilometer3RAND-36 PFI17 (85)8059

Energy for daily activities4AS16 (100)6941
Much fatigue to none10VAS11 (69)9433

Much depression to no depression10VAS6 (75)8663
Felt depressed5PDQ-83 (38)8566

Forget if you had already done something5PDQ-2012 (80)8075
Forget what you came into the room for5PDQ-2011 (73)6746
Trouble concentrating5PDQ-2011 (73)5370
Forget what you did the night before5PDQ-2011 (73)5370
Find your mind drifting5PDQ-2011 (73)6756
Forget what you did last weekend5PDQ-2011 (73)6762
Forget to take your medication5PDQ-2011 (73)6774

N, number; PPV, positive predictive value; NPV, negative predictive value; PFI, Physical Function Index; AS, Apathy Scale; VAS, visual analogue scale; PDQ-20, Perceived Deficits Questionnaire-20.