Research Article

The NPs Role of Assessing and Intervening with Older Adult Drivers

Table 2

What strategies did you use to approach the topic of driving safety with the older adult ()?

Strategies for approaching an older adult about driving safety (%)

Use therapeutic communications strategies to initiate a nonthreatening conversation about safe driving6 (18%)
Express a concern for the older adult’s driving safety6 (18%)
Present objective exam data to support the discussion5 (15%)
Present patient education about safe driving4 (12%)
Talk to family members first4 (12%)
Use an honest, empathetic approach2 (6%)
Be blunt with the patient2 (6%)
Avoid the topic during a “sick visit”2 (6%)
Do not bring up the topic on an initial visit but wait until a relationship has been established1 (3%)
Ask the older adult to describe how he/she drove to the current appointment1 (3%)
Use motivational interviewing techniques1 (3%)