Research Article

Complementary Feeding Practices and Household Food Insecurity Status of Children Aged 6–23 Months in Shashemene City West Arsi Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia

Table 1

Sociodemographic characteristic of mothers with children of 6–23 months, in Shashemene city, Oromia, Ethiopia, 2020 (n = 520).

Age of mothers/caretakersFrequencyPercent

 ≤24 years15129.4
 25–29 years23144.4
 30–34 years10019.2

Religion of mothers

Educational status of mothers
 Basic education11722.5
 Primary school23645.4
 Secondary school11321.7
 Higher education5410.4

Educational status of fathers
 Basic education7113.7
 Primary school18936.3
 Secondary school19236.9
 Higher education6813.1

Mothers’/caretakers’ occupation
 Daily labor15028.8
 Government employee6412.3

Husband’s occupation
  Government employee14928.7
 Daily laborer285.4

Family income per month (ETB: Ethiopian birr)
 ≤999 ETB132.5
 1000–1999 ETB8416.2
 2000–2999 ETB12924.8
 3000–3999 ETB8917.1
 ≥4000 ETB20539.4


Family size

Who decide on the properties of the household

Sources of information about commercially available CF

Household wealth index

Highest CF: complementary feeding 92; HCWs: Health care workers 17.7.