Research Article

Complementary Feeding Practices and Household Food Insecurity Status of Children Aged 6–23 Months in Shashemene City West Arsi Zone, Oromia, Ethiopia

Table 2

Maternal obstetric related characteristics of mothers of children of 6–23 months, Shashemene city, Oromia, Ethiopia, 2020.


 Prim parous (1)9217.7
 Multiparous (2–4)35167.5
 Grand multipara (5+)7714.8

Mode of delivery
 Cesarean section499.4

No antenatal care (ANC) attendance
 No ANC session265

Birth spacing

No. of children in the family

Birth order
 5th & above6712.9

Age of the child
 6–8 months9317.9
 9–11 months7013.5
 12–17 months20940.2
 18–23 months14828.5

Mothers’ breastfeeding status.